Wed 12th February 2025   
Welcome to DOST

Dynamical Operation for Social Transformation

Dynamical Operation for Social Transformation (DOST) as a rural development NGO was born on 19th February, 1992 with registration under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. Subsequently it got registration under FCRA,1976 and the registration was renewed under FCRA, 2010 under the new FCRA rule. It then got the Income Tax registration under 12A & 80G. It is registered also in NGO Darpan of the NITI Aayog ( National Institution for Transforming India),formerly Planning Commission, Government of India. DOST is a non-political, non-religious and non-profit making social development grass root level NGO
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Our Vision

To build up informed and active local level , Sustainable Rural Communities, prosperous people....

Our Mission

To build up informed and active local level rural people’s organizations to identify their needs, initiate and sustain their development through people led development process...

Our Core Values

We value the inherent worth, dignity, diversity, and abilities of all individuals, families, groups and communities....

Aim & Objective

“Dynamical Operation for Social Transformation.”

Building awareness of people for their socio-economic,mental,spiritual and moral development and cultural regeneration,to organise them to participate in the development process conducted by the Govt.And other Voluntary Agencies
Socio-economic empowerment of women and of the weaker-section of the community by improvement of agricultural productivity,by improvement of occupational and vocational skills,by promotion of animal husbandry and appropriate cottage and agro-based Industries and by organising Co-operative Societies.

Our Achivements

No. of farmers applying           the knowledge               

No. of farmers applying           the knowledge           

No. of farmers gained general knowledge on organic agriculture

No. of farmers gained general knowledge on organic agriculture

Establishment of Village Seed Banks of cultivated traditional food crops

Establishment of Village Seed Banks of cultivated traditional food crops

Establishment of basic infrastructure to pursue organic agriculture

Establishment of basic infrastructure to pursue organic agriculture

Our Latest Activity

Our Member

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